Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 62 (Friday, June 13th) - Daleville to Bobblets Shelter

Along the Blue Ridge Parkway
Today's Miles: 18.50
Trip Miles:

After breakfast and a bit more resupply we left Daleville at 10:20. There wasn't much conversation and I wanted to make it at least Bobblet Shelter, so it was head down and hike. Mike was having stomach issues and wasn't moving as fast as usual so I was able to get ahead of him. Natalie hikes at his pace so I ended up hiking alone for most of the day. We did meet up for a while at Curry Creek where you could soak your feet in the pools and let the little fish nibble at the skin on your feet. I liked it, Natalie was grossed out.

It was easy hiking, with some nice views once I reached the Blue Ridge Parkway. I met a hiker there who is doing some hiking with his wife in sections SOBO, using his camper as a base. His trail name is Route Step. He gave me a huge cold Gatorade. Thanks!

I got to Bobblet Shelter at 6 p.m., but there were no campsites. I left M and N a note that I was moving down trail to find a spot. They missed the note and went down to Bobblet's; a long walk for nothing. I did find a good site not far away and set up my tent. I boiled water for us all and they got there and set up the tent just before the rains came. They ate in the tent vestibule and we all went to bed; after all it was almost 8 p.m.

Night All.  

Fish nibbling at Natalie's feet
Fish nibbling at my feet

Montvale view, Blue Ridge Parkway
Old stone wall along the BRP

1 comment :

  1. I'm impressed that Natalie keeps her toenails painted on the trail! Assuming those are Natalie's feet of course! :)
