Today's Miles:
Trip Miles:
I woke up beside the creek to sunshine but cool temperatures and began the climb out of Bennington at 7:30. It was steep, but not bad.
It was a nice day to hike with lots of sun and less humidity. There weren't many views until the Goddard shelter ten miles out and then great views at the fire tower on Glastenbury Mountain. Ferngully, Smokey and Sunshine caught up to me there after a late start. They were headed to Stratton/Arlington Road. I wasn't sure how far I would go. My right knee was feeling better, but I was telling myself not to push it.
I hiked out ahead of the boys and was making good time. I saw some moose track, the first of the hike. I was just tooling along over fairly even terrain, when it felt like a rubber band snapped inside my right knee. I couldn't put any weight on it for a while. Eventually I could move along using my trekkers as crutches and then, gingerly, I started putting a little more weight on it. I limped into the Story Spring Shelter.
Smokey caught up and I explained the situation. He had an ace bandage and I wrapped the knee up tightly. It felt better with the compression. I decided to hike on to the road rather than stay at the shelter. I was afraid my knee might stiffen up over night and make it harder for me to get out in the morning.
I got to the gravel road with some difficulty, set up camp and I'm resting with my feet up on my backpack. Both knees are hurting. I'm not sure yet what I'll do. The next town is 17 miles away over Stratton Mt. with no roads in between. If the knees feel up to it I'll try to get there tomorrow.
Night All.
Wrong mile marker |
Beaver lodge |
Bubbling brook |
Dappled boardwalk |
Low water |
Mossy mound |
UFO over right shoulder |
Where I'm heading |
Aurora Cloudealis |
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