Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 123 (Wednesday, August 13th) - Great Barrington; weather zero

Today's Miles: 0.00
Trip Miles: 1517.10

Severe weather/ Flood warnings.

We stayed in town for the day, did some laundry and caught up with Mike's friend Rob and part of the wedding party for dinner. Congratulations to Kacee and Jeff on their wedding!

I was surprised and glad to see Pearse Lombard, the son of a friend and co-worker, Brendan. It's been ten years since I'd seen him. The boy's become a man.

After dinner it was early to bed.

Night All

Mike and Pearse
(l to r) Sunshine, Smokey, Fern Gully
Nate "Sunshine" Sands and me

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