Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 78 (Sunday, June 29th) - mile 987.6 to Wilson Gap 1005.9

Today's Miles: 18.30
Trip Miles: 1005.90

My ankle and shin were very swollen and sore today. Whether it's a sprain or I hyper-extended something, I don't know. I do know we needed to hike about twenty miles and thirteen of them were over a section called the Roller Coaster because of the radical ups and downs.

We did have a nice break at mile 999.7. We got off trail at Snicker's Gap and walked down to the Horseshoe Curve Restaurant. A nice pub with decent food and cold beer. The kids were smart enough to skip the beer and settle for soda. I wasn't that smart. After we ate we rested there for a bit, then headed back to the trail.

We passed the thousand mile marker on a stone, then another on a tree and still another that was an actual sign. I don't know which was right, but we took a group picture at the sign. We still needed to put in a few miles to make tomorrow easier. I did okay for the first couple of miles, but my leg became more swollen and I slowed down considerably. At five miles from the break I was done so we made a site near Wilson's Gap.

Andi and Mike want to do three things tomorrow: get out of Virginia, get to the ATC, and watch the Germany vs. Algeria World Cup match. The ATC is the Appalachian Trail Conservancy where they take your picture and you see what number hiker you are passing through. When we left we were around #2000 on the trail.

Andi and Yvanna gave me a cream they use for muscle ache and I tried that. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Thirteen miles to town and having passed the Rollercoaster they look a bit more tame.
Everyone's tired, so after a little supper we're all in our tents.

Good Night.

The Roller Coaster warning
1000 miles!
I just liked the bark
I think I found the inspiration

Another 1000 marker
Natalie seems to be the only one impressed

Nice trail; thanks for the sprained ankle

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