Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 50 (Sunday, June 1st) - Jenkins to 1 mile past Helveys Mill Shelter

These views
Today's Miles: 15.00
Trip Miles: 590.70

I was the first out yesterday, and the last out today. Andi and Yvanna first, Natalie 2nd, then Mike, then me. We all hiked the easiest 5 miles so far, making great time to Laurel Creek, where Yvanna, N, and I made good use of the river, washing our bodies and clothes.

The rest of the day was a roller coaster. We stopped at USVA 612 for lunch and then climbed to Jenny Knob Shelter, which is a quarter mile from the trail, with water another 3/10 of a mile from there. PIA. I hate long downhills for water, because it means a long walk back up with heavy water bottles...GAK!

Natalie's leg is still bothering her, so we hiked a bit further looking for a site (we didn't like the shelter). Found a decent spot, built a fire, ate, chatted, and then time for bed.

Nite all.

Washing up in Laurel Creek
Fireside chats

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