I got a quick phone call from John today around 3pm. He sounded pretty exhausted. I don't know what time they got started this morning, but by then they had made it to Gooch Mountain and were hiding in their tent, out of the rain. He said I might not hear from him tomorrow; the cell phone reception isn't that great, and I would imagine he's trying to save power on his battery (he does have a battery bank, btw). Truthfully, I expect to go a few days at a time without direct contact ~somehow the thought of being on a cell phone out in the middle of the woods just doesn't seem fitting...
16 miles in --and only 2,169 more miles left to go!
5:30 AM Tuesday, Looking at the weather map it looks like the storm is heading east, and should clear be clear for them in a couple of hours. It's no fun packing up wet camping gear but they'll have a chance to dry everything out this afternoon. They will be heading toward Blood Mountain, a pretty area.