Today's Miles:
Trip Miles:
Click here for Trail Notes!
On the trail |
Two weeks in and we're feeling more confident about what we can
accomplish. We decided to hike the fifteen and a half miles to A. Rufus
Morgan Shelter. We actually had breakfast before we left, which is
unusual for us, figuring we'd need the calories.
The weather looked
good for the day, though
hot. We headed out at a good clip and made it
to Cold Spring Shelter in good time. It's well named; thewater there
was freezing and delicious.
Showy Orchis |
I went out ahead of Mike and Natalie
toward Wesser Bald. It's nice that we all hike at our own pace and get
the opportunity to hike alone for a while. You see things in a different
perspective when you're by yourself. When we hike together we're
usually gabbing so you can miss things that you notice when you're
a log along the trail |
I got to Wesser Bald before they caught up, and climbed
the observation tower. There was a group of people there from Nashville,
and I answered their questions about the trail so far. Natalie and Mike
showed up and collapsed under the tower. It had been a pretty difficult
climb from Tellico Gap. The Nashvillians asked if I could take their
pictures and offered to take ours. Then M&N climbed up the tower and
we swapped pics.
The hike from Wesser seemed to take forever.
Natalie led the way and never lost pace. On the map it looked like a
nice downhill run, but things are never what they seem. It was a series
of ups and downs, many rock strewn, and lots of twists and turns. We
made it into camp about five and immediately took off our shoes and
stood in the cool creek water. Ahhh! We ate, hung our bear bags and now
we'll gab till bedtime.
Tomorrow the NOC and a long climb out of the gap. BBFN.
soaking tired knees |
At Cold Spring Shelter |
Wesser Bald Tower |
Wesser Bald view |
Nothing to add except: 15.5 miles today...killer!!!