Today's Miles: 19.60
Miles: 1180.40
Daddy Long Legs and Rudy came by at 6 a.m. with sodas and cupcakes. Nice trail
magic from fellow hikers. Thanks guys!
The days are beginning to blur. Lots of rocks, lots of foot aches and lots of
miles. All that I want to do is get to Hamburg Pa. to get some new shoes. We
hiked heads down for most of the day trying to avoid breaking an ankle or toe on
the gazillion rocks. Actually the hiking itself isn't bad, not much vertical.
The rocks aren't unlike some of the hikes around home. We're just doing lots of
miles over them so it seems worse.
Duck and Voodoo were near us most of the day and we saw Bad Camel and Popeye
too. There weren't to many other hikers near us though. The best part of the day
came at Swatara Gap. The kids hitched into town [Lickdale] and I waited for them
at one of the coolest bridges I've seen. Built in 1890 by the Berlin Iron Bridge
Company from East Berlin Conn. It spanned a shallow river where people were
tubing the current. A very nice place. There were blackberries growing next to
the bridge so I dug in while I waited.
It wasn't long before N and M got back with subs, Gatorade and some snacks.
We sat at the bridge and ate. There was a trash can there so we emptied out our
junk before hiking up the one vertical of the day [always when you're tired]. We
would have hiked further, but thunder and rain forced us to quit early.
We made ourselves a spot off the trail and were glad we didn't need to cook
in the rain. I'm laying in the tent listening to the rain. I think I'll call the
Good Night
Rocks, rocks, and more rocks |
Bad Camel and Popeye |
Duck and Voodoo |
Berlin Iron Bridge Co |
Rausch Gap |
Old canal |
Black Swallowtail on a Purple Coneflower |
Stubbed toe #mortonstoewoes |
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